My Therapies
Anxiety & Stress
Most of us, at some time in our lives, will experience anxiety or stress (or both), and for some of us, it will spiral out of our control. We start to feel anxious about doing the ‘everyday day’ things in life, like driving, shopping, appointments, going to work, even meeting friends for coffee. If this sounds familiar? Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help, and is the latest hypnosis technique. It is a gentle, non-invasive method which combines a complex combination of language patterns, hypnosis (trance) and psychotherapy. These are the tools which allow us to gain access to our brain and, more specifically, the subconscious. where, over a period, we can rewire and alter the neural pathways in the brain and create the preferred, positive future you visualise.
Together, we can create a real and lasting way forward.
Depression can affect us in many ways, both mentally and physically, we lose interest in ourselves and the world around us, daily tasks feel like a mountain to climb, we feel lethargic and tired all the time and we just want to pull the duvet over our head and sleep. Sound familiar?
When depression gets a grip on us, it causes our brain to stop producing a vital neurotransmitter – serotonin, and serotonin is what allows us to spend more time in our ‘happy place’ and gives us that ‘feel good factor’. The good news is, we can resolve this and get that happy you back.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is the latest hypnosis technique, supported by the neuroscience, it uses a complex combination of language patterns, hypnosis (trance) and psychotherapy which, over a period, can rewire and alter the neural pathways in our brain, improving our sleep patterns, mood, self-esteem, and our mental health in general. Helping you get back to enjoying life in the positive way you see it.
When we work together, we make the difference together.
Some people have it, some people don’t, but did you know that confidence is something we can all learn? And it’s relatively simple. Our brains have two halves – the Intellectual brain (left pre-frontal cortex) and the Primitive brain (right pre-frontal cortex). Our Intellectual brain loves to learn, it loves to change, and it loves to keep on evolving, as it has since the time of early man and early woman. The Primitive brain, on the other hand, is resistant to change, as it hasn’t evolved in the same way and still has a caveman approach to things. Through Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, and the neuroscience surrounding it, we can train our brain to spend more time in the left pre-frontal cortex and, over a period, rewire and alter the neural pathways in the brain and build up our confidence levels. So, by working together, we can achieve the confidence levels you have either lost or have always desired and create a new and confident future in the way that you visualise it to be.
Say it, see it, believe it.
Struggling to get to sleep? Wake up during the night? Wake up too early? or finding it difficult to wake up at all? Life just doesn’t feel the same when we are tired and lacking in energy. It can interfere with every single aspect of our lives; it alters our mood and disposition; we lose our zest for life and can even go on to develop more serious mental health issues.
Fortunately, our brains are capable and able to rectify these issues. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy is the latest hypnotic development by neuroscientists, using a combination of complex language patterns, hypnosis (trance) and psychotherapy, we can gain access to the brain and more importantly, our subconscious, and this is where the magic happens. The combined elements come together and, over a period, start to rewire and alter our neural pathways in the brain which, in turn, helps to restore our ‘Get up and go’
Together we can build the positive future you visualise.
Phobias are extremely common and include – Spiders, flying, elevators, heights, enclosed spaces, crowded public places, needles, snakes, dogs, insects etc. the list goes on – Phobias happen when an event that appears threatening has sufficient emotional overload that, instead of following the normal course in the brain, it gets trapped in the limbic system. It will then be re-experienced as either a panic attack or flashback. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses a technique that allows the sensory memory to be converted into narrative and put into proper perspective. It is an artificial way of doing what should come naturally to us.
Phobia can be treated in 4 sessions.
Weight Management
There are many reasons why we gain weight, and there are probably just as many diet plans promising ‘quick fix’ solutions, but rest assured, this isn’t one of them.
When we start to understand the anatomy and physiology, we start to understand the issues associated with weight gain, and are more likely to form a lasting, healthy relationship with food, more likely to lose those excess pounds and, more importantly, more likely to keep them off.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses a combination of language patterns, Metaphors, and hypnosis (or trance) to gain access to the brain where, scientific research has proved, we can, over time, alter the neural pathways in the brain alleviating anxiety and stress and promoting our ability to make healthier choices.
Sports Enhancement
The use of hypnosis in sports has the potential to help athletes handle personal challenges that would otherwise negatively affect their sporting performance.
Hypnosis can help to reinforce established sporting goals. It can help to alleviate pre-performance nerves and aid relaxation. It can facilitate stress management, increase concentration, and eliminate sport phobia responses. Hypnosis has the ability to eliminate distractions, help to control pain and increase your performance motivation as well as your bodily awareness.
Your best is yet to be!
Feel like stepping back from the busy trappings of everyday life? Fancy a bit of ‘me’ time to relax and unwind? We all need time away from our busy schedules, so why not take advantage of the free link to my relaxation track – a perfect way to give yourself a 25-minute de-stress and recharge, any time of the day. Try listening to it when it’s time to go to sleep and discover the benefits of a deeper, more refreshing sleep.
Take the time to be kind to yourself, recharge those batteries and feel refreshed, calm, and re-energised. Relaxation therapy is a safe and pleasant experience that I am sure you will enjoy. Click here for free track download
Take time to honour yourself.
Examination Stress
As exam season approaches, some of us will start to feel those nerves beginning to creep in, our stress levels begin to rise and perhaps our sleep patterns becoming disrupted. Our confidence begins to slide, and we can even begin to doubt our subject knowledge. So, what if I told you I could help you with all these things?
What if there was a scientifically proven method that is guaranteed to help reduce or even alleviate altogether, those debilitating exam nerves? Well, the good news is, there is. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can change the way you think and feel by giving you an understanding of how the brain works, and when we understand how the brain works, we can alter our negative thought patterns and learn how to concentrate on positive thinking, actions, and interactions and when we do this, we physically alter the neural pathways in our brain. To find out more, why not book a free Initial Consultation.
Addictions, such as drugs, cannabis, alcohol, and gambling form due to the pleasure our habit gives us. Our brain, over time, forms a connection that tells us engaging in this habit makes us feel better, so we begin to crave it more and more and in so doing, the neural pathways in our brain become stronger and stronger, releasing neurotransmitters into the brain that not only make us feel good but increase our dependency.
If you are determined, you want to alter these negative patterns of behaviour and take back control of your life, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help. We will work together to reduce your ‘compulsion’ to engage in these negative urges and work towards a more positive future, in the way that you see it moving forward.
- Smoking is a separate addiction, which can be dealt with in a one off, 2hr session.
Regardless of age, sex, race, background or reason, self-harm is a common occurrence which acts as a physical release for underlying emotional issues, or for some, who may be feeling numb and disconnected from life, as a way of feeling ‘real’ or alive.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help tackle the anxiety underlying self-harming behaviours. By helping clients to deal with the distress that triggers the self-harming behaviours, they are better able to cope and develop a more helpful perspective on life.
Rather than analysing the root cause of the problems, I help clients to move towards their preferred future by helping them to imagine how they would prefer to behave in response to stressful situations. By visualising a more helpful response, the client’s subconscious is able to develop a more helpful pattern of behaviour enabling them to cope better with situations that would previously have caused them distress.
Other Therapies/Conditions
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with many other therapies such as:
OCD, Panic attacks, Self-esteem, Assertiveness, Anger management, Bereavement, Public speaking, Stammering/Turrets, Blushing, Interviews, Social anxiety, IBS, Driving, Migraines, Fertility issues, Bruxism, Trichotillomania, Bulimia, Pain, Menopause, Incontinence, Shy bladder and many other issues.
Please contact me if there is anything else you feel I may be able to help you with.
Address: 21 Lockey Croft, Wigginton, York, YO32 2FP | Call: 07704 661209 | Email: | Facebook